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How To Help Your Dog’s Sensitive Stomach

The occasional upset stomach shouldn’t be cause for too much concern but if your dog is showing signs of sensitive digestion regularly a trip to the vets will be needed.  

What causes a dog’s sensitive stomach? 

There are lots of things that can cause digestive upsets, from less serious things like a change of routine to more serious medical issues such as parasites or intestinal blockages. It is also quite common for dogs to have food allergies. Some dogs also get upset stomachs if they are stressed and we all know dogs that like to eat things they shouldn’t on walks!  

What causes a dog’s sensitive stomach?

What are the signs your dog has a sensitive stomach? 

The most obvious signs are often loose stools or diarrhoea. Other signs can include a loss of appetite, nausea (often accompanied by excessive swallowing and lip licking) and excessive wind. There may also be blood in your dog’s stools and they may vomit. 

What can help a dog’s upset stomach? 

Most vets recommend foods that are easy to digest if your dog has an upset stomach, for example white rice with boneless and skinless chicken breast meat. Pumpkin (canned or pureed), mashed cooked potato and carrot or a boiled egg are also gentle on the stomach. These foods can be given for a few days but then if there is no improvement you will need to contact your vet again.

What can help a dog’s upset stomach?


What else can help a dog with a sensitive stomach? 

  • Make sure your dog isn’t eating anything they shouldn’t – this includes inside the home, out in the garden and on walks. 
  • Most dogs will race their food down but if your dog really is going too fast it could lead to digestive issues or vomiting – using a slow feeder could be a good solution. 
  • Cut out left over scraps or unsuitable treats – dogs with a sensitive stomach will be more settled with a consistent diet so avoid giving them ‘extras’ unless you can be sure the treats aren’t adding to stomach sensitivity.  
  • As well as thorough health examination, talk to your vet about your dog’s routine and diet – they may be able to help pinpoint other potential causes once any medical conditions have been ruled out.  
  • Using a digestive supplement such as Golden Paste or TurmerEase™ can help to support dogs with sensitive digestion and alleviate discomfort.  
  • Try to feed you dog at the same time each day and keep the diet consistent to avoid introducing anything new that may cause upset. Any changes to the diet should be made gradually.  

To find out more about how turmeric supplements can support your dog click here. 

golden paste can help with your dog's digestion

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