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Keeping Your Pets Safe Over Christmas

With all the hype and excitement in the run up to Christmas it is easy to forget that Christmas may not be ‘the most wonderful time of the year’ for our pets.

Christmas brings new household hazards, changes in routine and toxic treats that are often left lying around.

As the busy festive period gets underway, many pets may see a change in routine. Visitors to the house increase which may cause some pets to become stressed or anxious.

You may need to shut them away when visitors arrive, which also means spending more time on their own.

change to dog's routine

Festive Food

Many of us like to enjoy the extra festive treats that come with Christmas, however did you know many of them are toxic for our pets?

Alcohol, chocolate, sweets and liquorice are just some of the foods that are toxic to our pets. So don’t leave chocolates and sweets lying around unattended.

Also think about what was in your Christmas dinner before you feed your pets the leftovers. Onions, leeks, stuffing, grapes and raisins are all toxic too.

Many of these toxic foods can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, drowsiness. If you suspect your pet may have ingested something toxic please call you vet for advice.

keeping pets safe at Christmas

Christmas Decorations

We all know that cats love sparkly, dangly things to play with so it’s important to be aware that Christmas decorations such as baubles and tinsel can be dangerous if ingested.

Christmas tree needles can get stuck in paws and mouths if chewed. Festive lights can also cause serious harm if they are chewed.

Presents, wrapping and toys can also become a choking hazard to your pets or cause blockages and obstructions.

Other things that you may not have considered like festive house plants can also be toxic to pets.

Holly, Poinsettia, Mistletoe, Ivy and Lilies are all toxic plants, so if you have any in the house ensure they are kept well out of reach.

cats at Christmas

Top Tips for a Safe Christmas

  • Keep pets in a safe place away from all the decorations and presents, in place they feel happy and safe.
  • Take some time out with your pet and spend some one on one time with them.
  • Try and keep to their usual routine.
  • If you have lots of visitors give your pet a quiet and calm place to relax in.
  • Give them plenty of exercise to keep them calm in the house.
  • Avoid giving them any old leftovers – stick to their regular diet.
  • Keep any toxic house plants well out of reach.
  • On Christmas day keep the house tidy after present opening to avoid chewing temptations.

If you are still looking for a Christmas gift for your four-legged friend check out our Christmas Stockings and Blitzen’s Bites treats here