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The breed you need?

The Breed You Need?

Before the excitement of getting a new dog builds, it is important that you do your research in to which breeds may or may not be suitable for you and your family to ensure you make the right choice for you and your future four-legged friend.

With dog rescues bursting it is clear that many owners are ending up with dogs that are unsuitable for their lifestyle and level of experience. Granted some of these people should never have owned a dog in the first place, regardless of its breed, but for others they simply made the wrong choice and were unable to fulfil the dog’s basic needs despite their best intentions.

Never in any other species has there been such a wide range of characteristics as we see in the dog. Rightly or wrongly, man has manipulated the breeding of dogs to create the 218 breeds that The Kennel Club in the UK recognises today. From tiny teacup Chihuahuas to giant Great Danes, the options are endless and it is sometimes easy to forget that all dogs descended from wolves.

It can be argued that the rise of social media has propelled certain dog breeds to new heights in terms of popularity but sadly many of these dogs have serious health concerns and can bring heartache and costly vet’s bills with them. For this reason it is no surprise that UK rescue centres see a rise in certain breeds reaching their care in line with what is deemed popular at the time.

Thankfully there are many wonderful people out there who give these dogs a second chance and can offer the care they need for a happy life. So before you decide to welcome your new dog into your heart and home make sure you are making the right choice.

  1. Research breed characteristics and temperament – this is crucial and be honest about how much time you have for training and the behaviour that will suit the environment you can provide. Some dogs are harder to train than others and the amount of exercise/stimulation a dog needs can vary greatly. Also, some breeds are more vocal than others so if you can’t tolerate lots of barking (or your neighbours can’t) some breeds may be best avoided.
  2. Family discussion – Care requirements, compatibility with children and other pets all need thorough consideration. Some dogs may look visually appealing but require a huge commitment in terms of coat care and others may be suited to a home without young children or other pets.
  3. Ask around – Speak to a friend who owns the breed you are interested in to find out more or contact a reputable breeder – always ask about the good and the bad! The more people you can talk to the better as you will start to build up a picture of how a particular breed may or may not suit you and your home.
  4. Arrange a visit – If possible spend time with your chosen breed, this is especially important if anyone in the family has allergies or is unsure about the size of the dog.
  5. Future planning – Who will look after your dog if you go on holiday or get sick? If the answer is a family member or friend from another household don’t assume they will be able to cope with your chosen breed. Discuss with them first and also think about any future additions, for example, if you are planning on starting a family or having more children or pets you will need to consider this when choosing a dog.

Owning a dog is a full time commitment which will hopefully last many years and bring much joy. As they say, a house isn’t a home until you have a dog.

Supporting your new dog with turmeric supplements

All dogs (and any other animal) experience a whole range of stress situations, physical, behavioural, physiological etc. All these can release oxidative and pro-inflammatory factors. Equally the body can cope as these are natural occurrences, and so no symptoms are seen.

However, by aiding those mechanisms that control the optimum response, through supporting the antioxidative/inflammatory interactions, helps avoid those stresses becoming a problem. So, yes, rather than waiting for a problem/situation to occur, a natural turmeric supplement keeps the systems running smoothly.

Supporting your new dog with turmeric supplements