TurmerItch Transforms Life of Sweet Itch Pony
Linda has owned Peggy, her 16-year-old Irish Cob, for three years and has been battling her sweet itch each year from April through to September. Linda knows Peggy has suffered from sweet itch since she was a two-year-old and it has at times been so severe that she has rubbed herself raw leaving behind nasty lesions with pus. Peggy itches and loses hair from her mane, tail, belly, chest and shoulders.
Peggy’s sweet itch also has an effect on her respiratory system and the vet injects her twice a year with a steroid to help alleviate her wheezing. During the months which are the most problematic, Linda also adds antihistamine tablets to Peggy’s daily feed.
Linda has tried various products over the years for Peggy and stuck to using a homemade cream (coconut oil and sulphur) as this seems to offer the most relief from the awful itching. Peggy always wears a sweet itch rug from April to September too.
Last year however, Linda heard about The Golden Paste Company looking for horses to trial a new supplement for horses with sweet itch. Linda signed up to the trial and started feeding Peggy one scoop twice a day of the TurmerItch supplement.
Within a few weeks it was clear to Linda that the supplement was making a big difference to Peggy and she was itching herself much less. Her broken skin on her shoulders was starting to heal and by the end of the trial the difference in her coat and skin was amazing.
Said Linda: “TurmerItch is brilliant and so easy to feed. Peggy loves the taste so I can feed the pellets alone or add to her feed. It has made such a difference to her quality of life and she can now even be ridden over the summer whereas previously this just wasn’t possible.
“The combination of TurmerItch and her sweet itch rug is really working well and I’m so pleased she can enjoy summer more with her 40-year-old beloved Shetland companion.
“I would definitely recommend TurmerItch to anyone with a horse or pony that suffers with sweet itch. The ingredients really seem to calm the skin and improve the quality of the coat.”
Find out more about TurmerItch here.